


Acupuncture, a time-honored medical treatment practiced for over five thousand years, involves gently inserting very fine needles into specific points on your body’s surface to positively influence your body’s natural functioning. This process aims to balance your body’s yin and yang energies, allowing your vital Qi (pronounced “chee”) to flow freely. Qi represents your body’s life force and plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health, with its balance affecting the harmony of yin and yang. When Qi flow is disrupted or imbalanced, it can lead to potential health issues. Qi travels through meridians, symmetrical pathways on both sides of your body, including 12 paired meridians and 2 central ones running along your body’s centre. Each muscle is linked to specific meridians and organs, with its function influenced by the life energy flowing through these pathways. By addressing imbalances in this energy system, acupuncture aims to restore harmony, promote better posture, improve biomechanical function, and support optimal health.